Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Suzannah B. Troy, a mentally unstable “erotic”

Suzannah B. Troy, she's a mentally unstable “erotic” obsessed with...

The Westchester News http://westchesternews.us

How do I stop this 49 year old woman, Suzannah B. Troy, a mentally unstable “erotic” and she is totally obsessed with news reporters who expose her crazy erotic behavior, therefore, she’s attacking them on the internet. Does Google know how dangerous Suzannah B. Troy is because this one has definitely flew over the coo coo’s nest!

For Example: Suzannah B. Troy’s character is like the one, in that movie, “The Hand That Rocks The Cradle,” she is a little frightening because people are ignoring how unstable she is and that, puts society at risk, danger signs are there. This type of behavior is also equal to Kathy Bates’ character in the movie, Misery, she seems kind and helpful, but, she is really very dangerous, violent, and simply mentally disturbed, and completely unstable. She is also an erotic like the characters in the movie “World’s Greatest Dad” starring Robin Williams, his son masturbated himself to death, and he did everything in his power to cover it up, but, in the end he told the truth about his sons erotic disturbed behavior.

Let me tell you, I have never met this woman in person, she sent me her Press Releases and Videos through email.

The scary thing about her behavior is this, in the beginning it seems that she is just passionate about New York Politics, but, when you dig deeper into her mentality, you begin to see how unstable she really is, and if you don’t agree with Suzannah B. Troy’s crazy erotic behavior, then you start to really see how violent she can become, especially, if you try to encourage her that it’s wrong for a 49 year old woman to act like that, she goes out of control with her revenge, and then you see the real evil, but, until that happens you just blow her off as a flake, but let me warn you, and please heed this warning, this woman Suzannah B. Troy, is very dangerous and God only knows what she is capable of doing. My advice is this, you should not let this woman into your house or ever let her know anything about your private life because she has no boundaries in her sick mind.

She called me a racist because I referred to Mike Bloomberg as being a Jew, and she started attacking me on Blogger because I wrote this headline:

I am not a racist, a racist hates people, and I don’t hate anyone. If I choose to refer to people I am writing about as to their culture or religion, that is not racist, this is America and their are a lot a non-Americans living in this country and there are many different religions practicing in this country with many different beliefs, and it is my job as a news reporter to inform the public who is who, and who did what, and if I write that an Italian is the head of the Mob, a black man robbed and beat up a little old white lady, an Arab Muslim blew up the World Trade Center, a 37 year old Hasidic Jew killed a little Jewish boy, a Catholic Priest fondled a little alter boy or Michael Bloomberg is Jewish, add all that up and it doesn’t make me a racist!

Google Blogger:



When I was attacked by all the corrupt politicians on The Journal News Blog on Lohud, Politics On The Hudson blog “Spano Son takes shot at dad,” I asked the Publisher of The Journal News to keep the blog on the internet because I knew all the bloggers were the politicians and their staff that I was taking down by exposing them on The Westchester News. Andy Spano lost the election.




What I do is not simple, and unfortunately in today’s society no one cares, I’m talking about the officials that are in a position to stop the conspiracy and the corruption inside and outside our government. The best is this, after all these corrupt officials retire, they all point the blame with their dirty finger nails at the other guys, but, they wanna make sure that you know that it wasn’t their fault. For Example: I had a corrupt retired cop, tell me that Rob Astorino’s father was the most corrupt cop that ever lived, but, I knew I was looking at and listening to one of the most corrupt cops that ever lived, him. Retired cops want to be known as Mr. Nice Guy, the good one, but, there is no such thing as a good one. You’re a cop, and you look the other way, you’re not good, you’re a coward! That’s what I have to say to corrupt cops, remember, when you retire, nobody is gonna say behind closed doors that you were a good cop, no one, said a close source.

I will conclude this story by saying, I do not reveal my sources, and I truly hope that Google and Blogger will block “Suzannah B. Troy” from abusing anymore people on the internet, and hopefully, this woman will be investigated by the FBI, for invading and abusing an “Official National News Media's Right to report the news on the internet. United States Constitution protects the law, Freedom of the Press, therefore, The Westchester News should be protected from these obsessed erotic radials, like, Suzannah B. Troy and her friend Louis Flores!

By Barbara Ricci, Publisher of The Westchester News

The Westchester News

National Press Club 2011


914 237-8631

The Westchester News



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